I received a new book yesterday titled "
Sisters on the Fly" by Irene Rawlings. It is about a group of women who camp together in vintage trailers decorated in their own kitchy, cowgirl and unique personalities.

A few years ago I had seen a story either in a magazine or on a show (maybe Martha?) about a group similar to this. I don't know if it was this group or not. It interested me so much, mostly because of their fun and unique trailers.
I was so excited to get this book! It promised information on vintage trailers, tips for renovating and decorating as well as general information on these wonderful trailers. I opened it as soon as I got some time to myself and found it was that plus something else I didn't expect.

It talked mostly about "Sisterhood" and the relationships these women have with each other. It told of funny stories, scary moments and the support system they have created. The shared interests of these women have brought them together and, I was surprised to find out, they are around 2000 strong with "chapters" all over the country. Even here in Texas!

I want to share a excerpt with you that really touched me. Bear with me, its a little long but worth reading.
"A sister of the heart doesn't come from your family and is not related by blood ties or lineage. Instead, she 's someone with whom you have a connection that's deeper than friendship. She gives you a smile at the very moment when you need it most. She squeezes your hand unexpectedly when there are tears in your eyes, and frustration or grief is about to get the best of you. She overhears you telling someone that you love a certain kind of chocolate and, wow! a little box shows up in your mailbox without any explanation at all. She hears through the grapevine that you've had a bad week and sends you a funny email to say she is thinking of you. She doesn't need an explanation, she just reaches out to the ones she loves. She takes the time to send a note saying, quite simply, that she appreciates who you are and is grateful for your friendship. She hears the stress in your voice during a routine how-are-you phone call and asks how she can help. "

As my kids have grown I have found myself more and more isolated. When they were younger there were play groups, mother's day outs, volunteering at the school and I had many mom friends. With teenagers, however, we loose touch with those moms. To make matters worse, three of my closest friends have moved away in the past years. And, as my little business has grown, I spend more and more time working alone. I'm really tired of it. I think that is why this group appeals to me so much.
It won't be soon that I get my little vintage trailer and can go traipsing off somewhere on a weekend, (having a hubby that likes bigger and better doesn't lend itself well to renovating a small kitchy trailer. To those of you who know...can you imagine pulling up to and Aggie game in one of these! Not great for the male ego! :-) Not to mention a homeowners association that would NOT allow something like that parked anywhere in the neighborhood! They don't appreciate it's beauty!)

BUT, someday, I will find my little canned ham trailer, decorate it with vintage quilts and kitchy salt and pepper shakers, hitch it up and disappear over the horizon...at least for a weekend.
*click on the pictures and they will take you to more info. Thanks for those that are allowing me to borrow their photos. If you don't want me to use your photo just leave a comment and I'll remove it.