In an effort to keep my blog not just about my business but about me as well I have decided to let ya'll know about new things I've tried from Pinterest.
I don't know how many of you have find Pinterest, but it is a plethera of profound and pronounced projects. Anything from recipies, patterns, wardrobe ideas, photos, vacation spots, and funny sayings. I have pinned and pinned and pinned but just recently decieded to try a few things I have pinned. I will occasionally be giving you a plug for a pin I found pleasantly pleasing.
Okay, enough with the alliteration, we'll start with last night.
I tried this recipe.
It is fairly simple and, wonder of wonders, I had everything it called for. Chicken breasts (instead of tenders) creme cheese, black beans and corn (frozen instead of canned...i hate canned corn), and of course Rotel.
Easy and simple. You just put in all in a crock pot and go, stirring occasinally.
In the end it looked pretty gross, but it was really good. I served it over rice, but it could have been served with chips (which I meant to get out but forgot. No one missed them).
The was originally pinned from The Larson Lingo blog you can find
So there's my first profound Pinterest plug. You can fine me on Pinterest
here. I put comments in my pins after I've tried something so you can see some recommendations there also.
This recipe gets a real plus from me!
(photo and links were used with permission)