of an aspiring metalsmith.
My biggest confession and, I'll admit, the one thing that keeps me from really feeling like a true metalsmith is this....

This little micro torch is what I use for most of my work. NOT a professional tool by any means. I think my husband bought it for me years ago at Willams-Sonoma as a Christmas gift. I wanted it to caramelize sugar on the top of Creme Brulee. It worked amazingly well for that job, but, since Creme Brulee is such a pain to make it wasn't used much.
So, when I began working and learning metalsmithing, this was my tool of choice. I knew how to use it, the fuel was easily available, and it didn't pose too much of a threat for burning me.
This little guy works amazingly well for smaller pieces, which is what I do. And, I'll admit, I've stuck to smaller pieces out of the dread of moving on to larger torches.
Yesterday, however, I NEEDED more heat. I was working on a large piece that just would not heat up enough with my small torch. So I broke down and bought this.

I like how it has a trigger lighter, you can lock the flame on and that it has a hose. This was the first one I've seen like this. And for the heat? WOW! Is all I can say. This guy packs a huge flame! I almost melted a couple of pieces using this. It did, however, eventually do the trick and my solder flowed beautifully on my larger piece.
This is what I hope to graduate to someday.

This attaches to a type B acetelyne tank, which you have to get from a welding supply. I purchased this connection months and months ago but I still don't feel ready to tackle such a huge fuel tank. Honestly, one of my biggest fears is getting burned badly. Not just burning your finger but bad, % of body type burns. I used to work as a paralegal and we had a burn case. Reviewing the medical records I learned what it takes to treat burns and what victims of burns go through. It is excruciating at best. Then, not too long ago I saw a documentary on burns where a welder's acetelyne tank blew up and... well...lets just say that really made me nervous about having one of those around. My dad worked with one and knows how to teach me to use it; however, I still have a few fears to conquer.
Since I've made this confession I may be encourged by my "Aspiring Metalsmith Team" to jump in and take the plunge. Not sure if I'm ready...but so far, the little torches are serving me well. I'll get used to the middle size first and then see when I'm ready to graduate.
And for the new, large piece...here's a sneak peek......